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Akihabara-based retailer Thanko has a knack for crafting quirky but convenient goods meant to match a solo lifestyle.
Akihabara-based retailer Thanko has a knack for crafting quirky but convenient goods meant to match a solo lifestyle. In recent years they’ve released a “secret base” privacy taste to be lazy in, as well as a bento-sized rice cooker that serves just enough fresh rice for one person in minutes.
Thanko recently gave some of that tailored-for-one-person ingenuity with a foldable ramen hot pot. Now the makers are doubling down on that design with a new and improved “Ore no Ramen Nabe” (My Ramen Hot Pot) that turns instant noodles into gourmet noodles for solo servings, and can also cook up a delicious ricey finish!
The rest of the article can be viewed on our partner’s website, grape Japan at “Japan’s one-person ramen hot pot is a game-changer for instant noodle lovers.”
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