Time keeps going on and I really need to get this column written. We had a good soaking rain during the night, along with a thunderstorm. The garden needed rain, so it was greatly appreciated.
Joe and I, with son Joseph and his special friend Grace, attended the wedding last Thursday of nephew Sam and KatieAnn. They had a nice day for their wedding. It was nice to see family and friends. Sisters Liz, Verena and I made the chicken noodles for the meals. Sisters Leah, Emma, and sister-in-law Sarah Irene made the gravy, so we were close enough to get a lot of visiting done as well.
The menu was mashed potatoes, gravy, noodles, dressing, fried chicken, corn, salad with pecan, pumpkin custard, and strawberry pies, angel food cake, caramel pudding, and fresh fruit with a fruit glaze. For the evening meal, meatballs were added to the menu as well. The tables were also lined with stacks of nothings (a pastry also known as elephant ears). This is a custom at weddings in the Berne, Indiana, area.
I was a cook at the wedding, and Joseph and Grace were table waiters. We traveled the two hours with sisters Verena and Emma, nephew Benjamin, and his friend Crystal. Benjamin and Crystal were also table waiters. We left home at 5:30 a.m. and arrived back home safely after 10 p.m.
We wish the couple a long, happy life together! Brother Amos was missed by many at the wedding, and a very nice poem in a frame hung in the wedding corner in his memory. Sam and KatieAnn will live with sister-in-law Nancy and have separate living quarters. Amos and Nancy’s big house that was so fully occupied is now very empty. Life goes on and time brings changes that we must accept, although it isn’t easy.
Brother-in-law Jacob and sister Susan were also missed, as they would’ve always traveled with us to the wedding in Berne.
Friday was daughter Loretta’s 22nd birthday. Our family gathered at their house in honor of her birthday. We were served a delicious supper of pizza, ham and beans, chips, cheese ball and crackers, ice cream, and cake.
On July 4th, we spent the day at home. Then later, Joe and I decided to go join daughter Elizabeth, Tim, and children, daughter Verena, daughter Susan and children, and Susan’s friend Ervin and his children on a wagon ride to town to watch the fireworks. It started to rain lightly and we were afraid we might get wet, but it quit then. It was around 11:30 or later by the time we arrived back home to Tim’s house. The children were all cuddled in blankets sleeping when we arrived there.
It was enjoyable to spend time with the children. I held little Andrea and she watched the fireworks with big eyes.
Tonight, daughter Lovina and son Joseph leave to go camping with their special friends’ family by the lake for three nights. Hopefully the weather will be good as they will sleep in tents.
I remember one year when Joe and I had only a few children we went camping with sister Liz and Levi and their children back by his parents' cabin and pond. Levi’s and us all slept in a big tent, and once we were almost all settled for the night, sister Liz flashed around the tent to make sure there weren’t any spiders in there. Well, she spotted one, and of course she and I freaked out, so Levi and Joe had to look for that spider and kill it so their wives could sleep.
After all the excitement and all was settled again, it started pouring and then storming, so everyone sleeping in tents decided to move into the cabin for safety. Levi and Joe carried the sleeping children one by one through the rain to the cabin. We all slept on blankets on the floor. Several more of Levi’s siblings were also camping there, so it was quite packed. The next morning the sun came out and they made a delicious breakfast over the open fire. It was a memorable camping trip! God bless!
This isn’t the recipe used at the wedding, but I’ll share a recipe for Pumpkin Custard Pie this week.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, combine eggs, evaporated milk, pumpkin puree, sugars, flour, salt, allspice and cinnamon. Beat with a hand mixer until smooth. Pour into pie shell and bake 60-65 minutes or until pie is set in center. Optional: Top with Cool Whip.
Lovina Eicher is an Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Readers can write to her at PO Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for a reply); or email LovinasAmishKitchen@MennoMedia.org and your message will be passed on to her.
Lovina Eicher is an Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Readers can write to her at PO Box 1689, South Holland, IL 60473 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email LovinasAmishKitchen@MennoMedia.org and your message will be passed on to her.