After hosting the weekly pop-up sci-fi-themed tropical drink night, “Permanent Vacation,” for the past six years at his Kindred restaurant in South Park, Kory Steina has given the other-worldly concept its own home.
Mothership, an escapist bar and restaurant experience, opened this month at 2310 30th St. in South Park. Designed and built by famed tiki bar creator Ignacio “Notch” Gonzalez, Mothership is designed to look like a spaceship in a cave-like environment under a night sky with shooting stars. Like Kindred, Mothership is co-owned by Steina and Arsalun Tafazoli, who is the founder of CH Projects.
Mothership’s spacey cocktails, developed by David Kinsey, and mix tiki classic drinks with retro space-age designs and themes. The vegan “Earth Food” menu includes tofu, rice, noodle and potato dishes. Visit
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